Answers to the big questions about your customers

Upbe listens to your customers. He understands them. And it helps you transform your business by providing the keys to build loyalty or attract new ones. (Only available in Spanish)

More revenue, happy customers and brand ambassadors

Upbe analyzes the context of the calls, identifies the reasons for dissatisfaction or possible cancellations and provides you with the keys to build loyalty.

Intelligence to retain your customers

Improve your business figures by understanding what your customers need and how to get them to want to continue hiring your products and services.

More quality of service and more sales in the Call Center

Upbe helps your teams to be more efficient and productive in managing calls.

A more efficient Call Center team

Upbe trains agents to be more productive. It makes them better. So they know what to say and how to act in every situation.

Some indicators of success using Conversational AI:


Increase in the Conversion of Telephone Sales in a company in the Banking sector

-2,5% / -14%

Reduction of customer cancellations in corporate in the Insurance sector (-2.5%) and one SME (-14%)


Reduction of more than 20% of callbacks in a company in the Energy sector


Reduction of AHT or TMO (Average Call Time) in a project in the Telco sector


Reduction of cost structure in a Call Center with final Insurance customer


Reduction of customer complaints in a banking sector company

Upbe is a Conversational Intelligence technology based on Machine Learning and NLP that identifies elements and patrons in the context of the conversations you have with your customers. Upbe transforms this information into data that will help you improve decision making and generate value for your business thanks to a better Customer Experience.

Do you know what Conversational AI does for you?

Let's talk

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